Beyond Omniseal® Blog

Alex Josephson

Alex Josephson
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Power Generation Systems: How Metal Seals Help “Power” Productivity & Reliability In Natural Gas Turbines

Posted by Alex Josephson on Jan 09, 2020

Enormous changes to the world’s energy systems are being implemented today due to climate concerns. As such, there has been a concentrated push to use “clean energy” in more homes and businesses for their environmentally-friendly impact and cost-effective nature.  Other alternative sources of energy such as natural gas resources have also proven to be a major asset as gas-fired power plants are a natural complement for renewable energy, able to provide electricity when outputs from wind and solar are low. As the power generation industry looks to further increase efficiency and reduce emissions, seals play an integral part – particularly metal seals such as those designed and manufactured by Omniseal Solutions™ as the seals need to handle higher temperatures and pressures to optimize performance and ensure reliability.

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Tags: Energy